A career highlight was appearing on The Kathie J Show Morning Television Show. Kathie J's personality is full of passion and curiosity. It is larger than life and quite contagious, as you'll find!
One of the things I admire about Kathie J is that, once a radio DJ, she followed her dream to host a talk show. She and her crew enlisted GRIT, tenacity and creativity to forge ahead through challenges and make it happen!
Spending time with Kathie J on live television was an absolute BLAST. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Tune in to our lively conversation about building confidence, surrounding yourself with the right people, and making moves to advance your career.
Grab your coffee and listen in!
Btw...You may be wondering if I was nervous to appear on live television. The answer is 100% YES. I stayed true to my pre-event, jitter-calming routine, however...and it worked. We had a ton of fun!
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