5 Easy Ways to Celebrate International Womenā€™s Day at Work Jan 24, 2022

This article has the tools, resources and links you need.

Celebrated annually on March 8th, International Women’s Day is world-wide day of celebrating the achievements of women. In today’s environment with reduced opportunities for engagement, use this...

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The Power Pause Jan 24, 2022
You are rocking your Power Pose, (thank you, Amy Cuddy!) speaking up with confidence, and leading with executive presence. Go Shero, go!  Here is a new tool to level up your executive presence even more, especially during your next high stakes meeting.
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3 Tips for Self-Promoting Jan 24, 2022

Self-promotion is an essential, vital, critical, absolutely necessary piece of your career success. I hope that’s landing loud and clear! 

If the thought of self-promoting makes your skin crawl or feel more uncomfortable than the time when you...

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Sorry/Not Sorry! Jan 24, 2022

An excerpt from Speak Up, Sister! The Professional Woman’s Guide to Confidence and Success

Chapter 11 - Sorry/Not Sorry!

I’m Sorry Alternatives

With strategically chosen words, you can re-direct what initially may have elicited

an apology into...

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Five Ways to Create Visibility In a Remote Workplace Jan 24, 2022

Five Ways to Increase Visibility in a Remote Working Environment

A critical element to creating the career you want is VISIBILITY.  In our current climate, visibility looks different than being seen and heard in the office.  It’s up to us...

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What Made Me Cry This Week Jan 24, 2022

Tuesday was a long day.  Seven Zoom calls, a technology issue and construction banging away at my neighbor’s house all.day.long.  Come evening, I was pretty beat.  Normally not one to flip through network television channels, I flopped on the...

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The Three Little Words that Take a Professional Relationship to the Next Level Jan 24, 2022

Have you ever said those three little words to someone and been blown off?  Or maybe you said them because it seemed like the right thing to do, even when you didn’t really mean it. Or perhaps someone said them to you and you excitedly started to...

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What Crabs & Condors Can Teach Us About Confidence & Collaboration Jan 24, 2022

The power of the pack, the triumph of the tribe, and the squarma of the squad!  That’s the magnitude of the unstoppable force known as ‘women supporting women.’  And squarma?  That’s a word mash-up meaning the good karma you...

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5 Ways to Confidently Lead Through Change Jan 24, 2022

Challenges come in all shapes and sizes and while it’s difficult to predict their magnitude and timing, we can be certain that more will always be on the horizon.  With challenge, however, comes opportunity.  Thankfully, properly managed challenges...

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